Deze kinderen worden nu al door ons geholpen!
- Hannah Asante
- Annabel Asante
- Mary Hemans
- Philip Afrifa
- Grace Donkor
- Erica Quansah
- Ernest Afatsawu
- Gifty Prempeh
- Bless Opanyin
- Bernice Afriyie
- Zainab Halid
Ze zijn dankzij jullie steun “van de straat af” en zitten op school, inclusief alle benodigdheden en eten. Er wordt voorzien in opvang door vrijwilligers in Koforidua. Wij hebben al jullie steun nodig om ze doorlopend te helpen!
Wij hopen op jullie doorlopende steun..
- Hannah Asante
Hannah Asante
She is 7 years old and in class 1.
Hannah is an orphan and has a twinsister Annabel.
Hannah is very smart. She wants to become a lawyer in the future.
- Annabel Asante
Annabel Asante
She is 7 years old and in class 1.
Annabel is an orphan and has a twinsister Hannah.
She is very smart and wants to become a beautician in the future.
- Mary Hemans
Mary Hemans
She is 7 years old and in class 1
She is an orphan. And wants to become a nurse in future
- Philip Afrifa
Philip Afrifa
He is 12 years old and in class JHS 1
His father is deceased, he stays with his mother with 6 siblings. He wishes to become a bank manager in the future.
- Grace Donkor
Grace Donkor
She is 9 years old and in class 3
She is an orphan. And wants to become a nurse in future
- Erica Quansah
Erica Quansah
She is 14 years old and in class 6
She is an orphan and wants to become a fashion designer in the future.
- Ernest Afatsawu
Ernest Afatsawu
He is 7 years old and in class 1.
He is an orphan and wants to become a soldier in the future.
- Gifty Prempeh
Gifty Prempeh
She is 12 years old and in class 6.
She is an orphan and wants to become a soldier in future.
- Bless Opanyin
Bless Opanyin
He is 9 years old and in class 3.
He is an orphan and wants to become a lawyer in the future
- Bernice Afriyie
Bernice Afriyie
She is 13 years old and in JSS 1.
She is an orphan and wants to become a fashion designer in future.
- Zainab Halid
Zainab Halid
She is 8 years old and in class 2.
She is an orphan and wants to become a fashion designer in the future.
Neem hier contact op over sponsoring..
Neem hier contact op als je ambassadeur wilt worden of op een andere manier fondsen kan werven..
Naast donaties en sponsoring wordt iedere positieve bijdrage heel erg door ons gewaardeerd, ideeën, schooladoptie, acties, reclames, artikelen, sponsorprogramma’s, noem maar op.
Wij zien uit naar je positieve plannen via het contactformulier..